Sound Journey to our Heart Chakra

24Jun20:0022:00Sound Journey to our Heart Chakra2h Workshop to reconnect with our heart at YOGA NOW Kreuzberg20:00 - 22:00 YOGA NOW Berlin, Mehringdamm 61

Event Details

Sound Journey to our Heart Chakra.

The intention of this sound journey is, to reconnect with our heart center.

The heart chakra is the center of all our energy centers, it connects our three upper and three lower ones – the meeting point of our physical and spiritual being. Connected with our heart center, we can manifest and create the things in life we want.

When our heart is open, we have the feelings of love, compassion, care, and gratitude within us. If our heart chakra is in disbalance we hurt, rejection and upset for example.

In this class, we will use our breath and the power of sound as well as from our voice to connect to our heart chakra and create that balance and holiness again.



(Samstag) 20:00 - 22:00



Mehringdamm 61

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